Webflow vs Framer: The Ultimate No-Code Website Building Showdown

Jay Clair
14 min readJun 25, 2023


The tools we choose to design and develop our web presence can make a significant difference in how we connect with our audience. The right tool can empower us to create engaging, interactive, and visually stunning websites that not only attract visitors but also turn them into loyal customers. In this blog post, we’ll delve into a comprehensive comparison of two powerful web design and development tools: Webflow and Framer.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Tool

Choosing the right tool for web design and development is not just about convenience or ease of use. It’s about finding a platform that aligns with your vision, your brand, and your goals. It’s about finding a tool that allows you to create a digital experience that resonates with your audience and reflects your unique value proposition.

In the world of web design, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Different tools offer different features, capabilities, and workflows. Some tools are designed for simplicity and ease of use, making them ideal for beginners or non-technical users. Others offer more advanced features and flexibility, catering to experienced designers and developers.

When choosing a tool, it’s essential to consider your specific needs, skills, and objectives. What kind of website are you looking to build? What level of customization do you need? How much time and resources are you willing to invest in learning and mastering a new tool? These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself.

In this blog post, we’ll compare Webflow and Framer, two popular web design and development tools, to help you make an informed decision. We’ll cover everything from their key features and pricing to their user experience and customer service. By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear understanding of what each tool offers and how they stack up against each other.

Stay tuned as we embark on this journey of discovery and comparison. Let’s dive in!

Note: This blog post is intended to provide a comprehensive comparison of Webflow and Framer. It’s not meant to endorse or promote any specific tool. Always do your own research and consider your specific needs and circumstances before choosing a tool.

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a powerful web design tool that allows you to build professional, responsive websites without writing a single line of code. It’s a visual canvas that brings together the power of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, enabling you to design, build, and launch custom websites with ease.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Key Features of Webflow

Webflow offers a wide range of features designed to empower you to create stunning websites. These include:

  • Visual CSS Designer: Webflow’s visual CSS designer allows you to style elements with precision, giving you complete control over your website’s look and feel.
  • Content Management System (CMS): Webflow’s built-in CMS makes it easy to create and manage your website’s content. You can create custom content types, add and edit content directly on your page, and even use dynamic content in your designs.
  • Interactions and Animations: With Webflow, you can bring your designs to life with interactions and animations. You can create scroll animations, hover effects, parallax animations, and more, all without writing any code.
  • Ecommerce: Webflow also offers robust ecommerce features, allowing you to build and manage an online store. You can customise your product pages, manage your inventory, set up secure payments, and more.

Use Cases and Examples

Webflow is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of projects. Whether you’re building a simple landing page, a complex ecommerce site, or anything in between, Webflow has you covered. Some examples of what you can create with Webflow include:

  • Business Websites: With Webflow, you can create professional business websites that showcase your products or services, attract customers, and drive sales.
  • Blogs: Webflow’s CMS makes it easy to create and manage a blog. You can create custom blog post layouts, add and edit blog posts directly on your page, and even use dynamic content in your designs.
  • Portfolios: Webflow is a great tool for creating portfolio websites. You can showcase your work, tell your story, and attract potential clients or employers.
  • Online Stores: With Webflow’s ecommerce features, you can build a fully functional online store. You can customize your product pages, manage your inventory, set up secure payments, and more.

In the next section, we’ll take a closer look at Framer, another powerful web design and development tool.

What is Framer?

Framer is a design prototyping tool that empowers designers to bring their ideas to life. It provides an intuitive interface and a wide range of features that make it easy to create interactive, responsive prototypes of apps and websites.

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

Key Features of Framer

Framer offers a host of features designed to facilitate the design process. These include:

  • Interactive Design: Framer allows you to create interactive designs with ease. You can add animations, transitions, and interactions to your designs, bringing them to life.
  • Responsive Design: With Framer, you can create designs that adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring a great user experience across all devices.
  • Collaboration: Framer supports real-time collaboration, allowing you and your team to work together on designs in real time.
  • Prototyping: Framer’s prototyping features allow you to create realistic prototypes that you can share and test with users.

Use Cases and Examples

Framer is a versatile tool that can be used for a wide range of design projects. Whether you’re designing a simple landing page, a complex app, or an interactive prototype, Framer has you covered. Some examples of what you can create with Framer include:

  • App Designs: Framer is a great tool for designing apps. You can create interactive prototypes that mimic the look and feel of a real app, helping you test your designs and gather user feedback.
  • Website Designs: With Framer, you can design responsive websites that look great on all devices. You can add animations, transitions, and interactions to your designs, creating a dynamic user experience.
  • Interactive Prototypes: Framer’s prototyping features allow you to create interactive prototypes that you can share and test with users. This can help you validate your designs and gather valuable user feedback.
  • Marketing Sites: Framer is also a great tool for designing marketing sites. You can create engaging, interactive designs that attract visitors and drive conversions.

In the next section, we’ll provide a general overview of Webflow and Framer, highlighting their fundamental differences and the type of users who might prefer each tool.

Webflow vs. Framer: General Overview

When it comes to web design and development, Webflow and Framer are two powerful tools that offer a range of features to help you create stunning, interactive websites. However, they cater to different needs and workflows, making each tool unique in its own way.

Fundamental Differences

Webflow is a website-building platform that allows users to design and develop responsive websites without writing any code. It offers a powerful, yet easy-to-use interface that enables users to create custom layouts, manage and update their website’s content, and export clean, semantic code.

On the other hand, Framer is a design prototyping tool that allows designers to create interactive, and responsive prototypes of apps and websites. It provides an intuitive interface and a wide range of features such as animations, transitions, and interactions, making it easy to bring designs to life.

User Preference

Webflow is ideal for web designers, developers, and non-technical users who want to build stunning and responsive websites that adapt to any device. It’s a great tool for those who want to design their own website from start to finish, without being constrained by templates.

Framer, on the other hand, is a versatile tool that can create a wide range of digital designs, including marketing sites, landing pages, and online campaigns. It supports the entire design process, from initial visual mockups to interactive prototypes. However, what makes Framer different, is its ability to publish designs directly from the canvas, making it a unique and powerful tool for designers.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the pricing details of both Webflow and Framer, providing a detailed breakdown of what each pricing tier offers.


When choosing a web design and development tool, pricing is a crucial factor to consider. Both Webflow and Framer offer a range of pricing options to cater to different needs and budgets. Let’s take a closer look at what each tool offers.

Webflow Pricing

Webflow offers a free plan, as well as several premium plans. The free plan allows you to build and publish websites on a Webflow-branded domain. Premium plans, on the other hand, offer additional features such as the ability to use a custom domain, access to premium customer support, and more.

  • Free Plan: Includes access to the full design platform, free staging on webflow.io, and two projects.
  • Lite Plan ($16/month billed annually): Includes everything in the Free plan, plus the ability to export code and unlock unlimited projects.
  • Pro Plan ($35/month billed annually): Includes everything in the Lite plan, plus white labelling, site password protection, and collaboration features.
  • Team Plan ($35 per person/month billed annually): Includes everything in the Pro plan, plus team collaboration features.
  • Enterprise Plan (custom pricing): Includes everything in the Team plan, plus enterprise-grade features and support.

Framer Pricing

Framer offers a free plan, as well as several premium plans. The free plan allows you to create and share projects with a limited number of collaborators. Premium plans offer additional features such as unlimited collaborators, priority support, and more.

  • Free Plan: Includes access to the design tool, prototyping features, and up to two collaborators.
  • Pro Plan ($20/month billed annually): Includes everything in the Free plan, plus unlimited collaborators, priority support, and advanced prototyping features.
  • Team Plan ($79 per person/month billed annually): Includes everything in the Pro plan, plus team collaboration features, version history, and user roles and permissions.
  • Enterprise Plan (custom pricing): Includes everything in the Team plan, plus enterprise-grade features and support.

In the next section, we’ll explore how to use Webflow and Framer, comparing the user experience on both platforms.

How They Work

Understanding how a tool works is crucial in determining if it’s the right fit for your needs. In this section, we’ll delve into how to use Webflow and Framer, providing a comparison of the user experience on both platforms.

Using Webflow

Webflow is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for both beginners and experienced designers to create stunning websites. When you start a new project in Webflow, you’re presented with a blank canvas where you can drag and drop elements to create your layout. You can then style these elements using the visual CSS designer, adding colours, fonts, and other styles to your design.

Webflow also includes a built-in CMS, allowing you to create and manage your website’s content directly within the platform. You can create custom content types, add and edit content directly on your page, and even use dynamic content in your designs.

Once you’re happy with your design, you can publish your website to a Webflow-branded domain for free, or to a custom domain with a premium plan. Webflow also allows you to export your design as clean, semantic code, making it easy for developers to work with and maintain the website.

Using Framer

Framer offers a slightly different workflow, focusing on interactive design and prototyping. When you start a new project in Framer, you’re presented with a design canvas where you can add elements and create your layout. You can then add interactions and animations to your design, bringing it to life.

Framer also includes a prototyping feature, allowing you to create interactive prototypes that mimic the look and feel of a real app or website. You can share these prototypes with users, gather feedback, and iterate on your design.

Once you’re happy with your design, you can publish it directly from Framer, making it easy to share your work with the world.

In the next section, we’ll discuss the customer service provided by both Webflow and Framer, comparing the support resources available on both platforms.

Customer Service

Customer service is a crucial aspect of any tool, especially when it comes to web design and development tools, where users may need help or encounter issues. Both Webflow and Framer provide customer service and support resources to assist their users.

Webflow Customer Service

Webflow offers a range of support resources to help users get the most out of their platform. These include:

  • Help Centre: Webflow’s Help Centre is a comprehensive resource that includes guides, tutorials, and articles covering a wide range of topics. Whether you’re a beginner just getting started or an experienced designer looking for advanced tips, the Help Centre has you covered.
  • Community Forum: Webflow’s Community Forum is a place where users can ask questions, share ideas, and get help from the Webflow community. It’s a great resource for getting quick answers to your questions.
  • University: Webflow University offers video courses and tutorials that teach you how to use Webflow, from the basics to more advanced topics.
  • Customer Support: For more specific or complex issues, users can reach out to Webflow’s customer support team via email.

Framer Customer Service

Framer also offers a range of support resources to assist its users. These include:

  • Help Centre: Framer’s Help Centre provides articles and guides covering a wide range of topics, from getting started with Framer to using advanced features.
  • Community: Framer’s community is a place where users can ask questions, share ideas, and get help from other Framer users.
  • Learning Centre: The Learning Centre offers video tutorials and courses that teach you how to use Framer, from the basics to more advanced topics.
  • Customer Support: For more specific or complex issues, users can reach out to Framer’s customer support team via email.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the advantages and disadvantages of using Webflow, providing specific scenarios where Webflow might be the better choice.

Things to Consider When Using Webflow

Webflow is a powerful tool that offers a range of features for designing and developing websites. However, like any tool, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you determine if Webflow is the right tool for your needs.

Advantages of Using Webflow

  • No Coding Required: Webflow allows you to design and develop websites without writing any code. This makes it accessible to users of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced designers.
  • Visual Design Interface: Webflow’s visual design interface makes it easy to create custom layouts and add styles to your design. You can see your changes in real time, making the design process intuitive and efficient.
  • Built-In CMS: Webflow’s built-in CMS makes it easy to create and manage your website’s content. You can create custom content types, add and edit content directly on your page, and even use dynamic content in your designs.
  • Responsive Design: Webflow allows you to create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes. This ensures a great user experience across all devices.
  • Exportable Code: Webflow allows you to export your design as clean, semantic code. This makes it easy for developers to work with and maintain the website.

Disadvantages of Using Webflow

  • Learning Curve: While Webflow is designed to be user-friendly, it does have a learning curve, especially for users who are new to web design.
  • Limited Customization: While Webflow offers a range of customization options, it does have some limitations compared to more advanced web development tools.
  • Pricing: Webflow’s premium plans can be expensive, especially for small businesses or individuals on a tight budget.

When to Use Webflow

Webflow is a great choice for a variety of projects. It’s particularly well-suited for:

  • Small to Medium-Sized Businesses: Webflow’s ease of use and range of features make it a great choice for small to medium-sized businesses looking to create a professional, responsive website.
  • Freelance Web Designers: With its visual design interface and exportable code, Webflow is a powerful tool for freelance web designers.
  • Non-Technical Users: For users who want to create a website but don’t have coding skills, Webflow offers a user-friendly solution.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the advantages and disadvantages of using Framer, providing specific scenarios where Framer might be the better choice.

Things to Consider When Using Framer

Framer is a versatile design prototyping tool that offers a range of features for creating interactive, responsive prototypes of apps and websites. However, like any tool, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you determine if Framer is the right tool for your needs.

Advantages of Using Framer

  • Interactive Design: Framer allows you to create interactive designs with ease. You can add animations, transitions, and interactions to your designs, bringing them to life.
  • Prototyping: Framer’s prototyping features allow you to create interactive prototypes that mimic the look and feel of a real app or website. You can share these prototypes with users, gather feedback, and iterate on your design.
  • Collaboration: Framer supports real-time collaboration, allowing you and your team to work together on designs in real time.
  • No Coding Required: Like Webflow, Framer allows you to design and develop without writing any code. This makes it accessible to users of all skill levels.

Disadvantages of Using Framer

  • Learning Curve: While Framer is designed to be user-friendly, it does have a learning curve, especially for users who are new to design prototyping.
  • Limited Web Development Features: While Framer is a powerful tool for design and prototyping, it doesn’t offer the same range of web development features as Webflow.
  • Pricing: Framer’s premium plans can be expensive, especially for small businesses or individuals on a tight budget.

When to Use Framer

Framer is a great choice for a variety of design projects. It’s particularly well-suited for:

  • Designers: With its interactive design and prototyping features, Framer is a powerful tool for designers.
  • Teams: Framer’s collaboration features make it a great choice for teams working on design projects together.
  • Prototyping Projects: If you’re working on a project that requires interactive prototypes, Framer is an excellent choice.

In the next section, we’ll wrap up our comparison of Webflow and Framer, summarising the key points and providing some final thoughts.


Choosing between Webflow and Framer ultimately comes down to your specific needs, skills, and objectives. Both tools offer a range of features and capabilities, but they cater to different workflows and use cases.

Webflow is a powerful web design and development tool that allows you to create professional, responsive websites without writing any code. It offers a visual design interface, a built-in CMS, and the ability to export your design as clean, semantic code. It’s a great choice for small to medium-sized businesses, freelance web designers, and non-technical users who want to create a website without having to learn to code.

Framer, on the other hand, is a versatile design prototyping tool that allows you to create interactive, responsive prototypes of apps and websites. It offers features for interactive design, prototyping, and collaboration, making it a powerful tool for designers and teams working on design projects.

In the end, the best tool is the one that aligns with your vision, your brand, and your goals. It’s the tool that allows you to create a digital experience that resonates with your audience and reflects your unique value proposition. Whether that’s Webflow, Framer, or another tool entirely, the choice is yours.


To wrap up, let’s answer some common questions about Webflow and Framer.

Q: Can I use Webflow and Framer together?

A: Yes, you can use Webflow and Framer together. You might design and prototype your website or app in Framer, then build and publish it in Webflow.

Q: Do I need to know how to code to use Webflow or Framer?

A: No, both Webflow and Framer are designed to be accessible to users of all skill levels, including those who don’t know how to code.

Q: Can I use Webflow or Framer for free?

A: Yes, both Webflow and Framer offer free plans. However, these plans have limitations, and you may need to upgrade to a premium plan to access all features.

Q: Which tool is better for collaboration?

A: Both Webflow and Framer offer collaboration features, but Framer’s real-time collaboration feature might make it a better choice for teams working together on design projects.

We hope this comparison of Webflow and Framer has been helpful. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out. Happy designing!



Jay Clair

Head of Marketing at Bluesfest. SEO Nerd & Writer. About Me: Contrarian, rational optimist, curiosity is king.